Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Iran's presidential swearing text

This is Iran's swearing text for elected president. It's famous that politicians are liars but Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is an amazing phenomenon who viciously lies. After all the events happened in Iran after he stole people's votes, reading some parts of swearing text of president that he read today in parliament seems interesting.

" I, do sincerely swear in front of people of Iran that I will faithfully execute the office of president of Iran, avoid of any dictatorship and will do the best of my ability, protect and defend Iranian nation and respect their privacy and freedom and civil rights and the constitutional of Iran."

Iranian Constitutional Revolution, August 1905

Today 5th August 2009 Ahmadinejad the unelected president of Iran had his parliament confirmation under a high security control while many famous authorities and parliament members were intentionally absent and big numbers of people were protesting behind the locked doors outside in street.

103 years a go in such a day
Iranian constitutional revolution happened and my country with sacrifice of hundred liberty makers became the 1st country of Asia with a parliament system controlling some of the unlimited abilities of Kings and totalitarian dynasties. Choosing the constitutional revolution day for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's confirmation in parliament is very insulting to the blood and spirits of those heroes fighting for freedom a century ago here because constitutional revolution refers start of a democratic system but today confirmation of this illegal government can just be the end of a republic and start of a new kingdom. Here it is the text of contract with Mozafaredin-Shah (Emperor of Qajar dynasty) signature and stamp allowing people to have the first parliament.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Khamenei is not qualified to be called supreme leader of this great country. A religious supreme leader -although I don't believe in it- should be righteous and cares about people. Since he chose to be on Ahmadinejad's side he left people and his confirmation is totally valueless.... LAUGHS!!!

Cartoon by Nikahang -

Top Reformists in Tehran court

The mass trial of Iran's top reformist leaders and 100 opposition members happened on Saturday 1st August. The prisoners didn't have lawyers and were talking really stupid against themselves and claiming all the protests were lead by foreigners to collapse the regime. They were insisting they had a very 'nice' moments in jail and never got tortured.

Mohammad ali Abtahi the reformist cleric who was arrested the day after election, emerged on TV with an intense weight loss just after 40 days and his daughter in a contact with VOA (Voice of America) channel believed Abtahi was just behaving abnormal and influenced by psychic pills.
