Thursday, July 16, 2009

Arab and Chinese Muslims are EQUAL

Do you know if one Arab get killed by an Israeli soldier what will happen in Iran?

Television and radio will cancel all their normal programs and show reports about the events in Qaza and Lebanon 24 hours of a day. Because, Islam is the religion of 'brotherhood' and 'equality' and if somewhere any Muslim from any nationality get oppressed, it's on other Muslims to strictly convict the oppressors.

But it seems some Muslims are more Muslim than the others.

After all the brutal events happened in Xinjian China to Muslim Uighur minority, almost all of the world regardless of their faith had a humanitarian reaction toward Chinese army killing those people except Iran's government because Chinese corrupted leaders were among few governments who supported coup d'etat makers of Iran after presidential election 2009.

Personally I don't like autonomy who makes big countries shrink into smaller parts. But from a cultural point of view, Uighurs are much closer to Persian culture than Arabs of Lebanon. Even some people of Kashghar in Xinjiang China speak Persian language. Muslim population of China is part of central Asian world which is mistaken being considered as an eastern Asian culture just like the way Iran is mistaken being considered a Middle eastern country rather than a central Asian one.

It's strange how the religious scholars of Iran these days are convicting Chinese government barbarism against Uighur civilians but Iran's illegal government not showing any sympathy to that genocide. It seems Iran government believes Islam percentage of Arabic blood is more than other ethnics. Eventhough they would sacrifice their own people of Iran for Arab nations duration.

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