After the protests happened in Iran due the presidential rigged election, people's communications were strictly controlled and limited by coup d'etat makers. Internet speed was incredibly low and we had problems for using messengers and even checking our emails. SMS systems were completely blocked and cell phones not working very well and in this abnormal situation we got to know Ahmadinejad government have bought an expensive telecom system from 'Nokia Ziemens' company that provides ways to spy on people's private conversations. It's very ridiculous our Islamists were calling 'Nokia Ziemens' a zionist agent before and now they buy spying technology from those zionists agaisnt Iranian people.
I just like to ask a question from Mr. Ahmadinejad.
On December 2005 we had 128 victims in an airplane accident in Tehran and on July 2009 we lost 168 people in Qazvin including all the crew and whole Iran's youth Judo team who were the Asia champions for 3 years. Isn't it better instead of wasting loads of money on stupid spying systems, buy some world standard airplane pieces to not face similar catastrophes happeneing to our passangers every few years...?
Marwa El-Sherbini the Egyptian farmacist was killed in German court by a Russian/German racist who had called her terrorist while ago. She was stabbed 18 times while she was pregnant and of course nobody including German government got happy about the murder and everyone condemned that.
What happened in Iran right after that event...?
Iran's illegal government called Germany a racist country because of an individual crazy man killed an Egyptian woman who loved wear her scarf. Ahmadinejad kept repeating this nonsense anytime again against Germany and wrote a complaining letter to UN head Mr. Ban Ki-Moon! No other country had this intense reaction toward German politicians who were not really included in that accident. A hilarious way to make people forget all the murders and crimes happened not a long time ago in Iran. Our Tv showed news about Marwa El-Sherbini over 80 times with most tough critics against European countries and instead showed Neda Agha Soltan Iranian girl got killed by Basiji in Tehran protests only 3 times because unlike the Arab woman, Neda probably didn't want to wear scarf so she didn't deserve more media attention.
When an Arab including Muslim prophet and his relatives die 1400 years a go we must wear black and have one month funerals in Iran but after the current events we never saw any reports from other young Iranian victims of protests on Tv and after the airplane accident with 168 killed, we didn't have any funerals nor even a black ribbon anywhere showing a bit of sorrow from Iranian Tv and leaders while in Armenia they called it a national disaster.
Do you know if one Arab get killed by an Israeli soldier what will happen in Iran?
Television and radio will cancel all their normal programs and show reports about the events in Qaza and Lebanon 24 hours of a day. Because, Islam is the religion of 'brotherhood' and 'equality' and if somewhere any Muslim from any nationality get oppressed, it's on other Muslims to strictly convict the oppressors.
But it seems some Muslims are more Muslim than the others.
After all the brutal events happened in Xinjian China to Muslim Uighur minority, almost all of the world regardless of their faith had a humanitarian reaction toward Chinese army killing those people except Iran's government because Chinese corrupted leaders were among few governments who supported coup d'etat makers of Iran after presidential election 2009.
Personally I don't like autonomy who makes big countries shrink into smaller parts. But from a cultural point of view, Uighurs are much closer to Persian culture than Arabs of Lebanon. Even some people of Kashghar in Xinjiang China speak Persian language. Muslim population of China is part of central Asian world which is mistaken being considered as an eastern Asian culture just like the way Iran is mistaken being considered a Middle eastern country rather than a central Asian one.
It's strange how the religious scholars of Iran these days are convicting Chinese government barbarism against Uighur civilians but Iran's illegal government not showing any sympathy to that genocide. It seems Iran government believes Islam percentage of Arabic blood is more than other ethnics. Eventhough they would sacrifice their own people of Iran for Arab nations duration.
Clotilde Reiss a 23 year old student from Lille France was jailed in Iran on spying charges after she took photographs at Iranian people demonstrations after the presidential election. She was an assistant teacher at Isfahan University and highly interested in Persian people and culture , who was detained at Tehran airport last week on her way home to France.I'm not going to talk here about why Iran's leadership destroys every political relation and why they just make enemies instead of finding some friends. But here I wanna tell that I think Iranian politicians are really stupid in any other ways. Considering the big anti Iranian propaganda against us in last 30 years how many westerns are interested in Persian culture these days? Almost no one except a few intelligent French and some fewer ones randomly from here and there and our police always make a mess and arrest innocent tourists who were better spend their time and money in typical places other westerns go like Thailand, Vietnam and Philipin instead of ancient Iran with wonderful people and most stupid leaders.
Ahmad Batebi 32 years old human right activist was among the opposing students of Tehran university on 9th July 1999. In that day police and armed militia attacked to dormitory and killed some of the students protesting for arresting the reformist paper, "Salam'. On 9th July protests Ahmad Batebi pulled up the blood-stained shirt of his dead friend and that image soon went on the 1st page of Economist magazine and became the symbol of student movement of Iran.
Afterward, Batebi was arrested and he had a Long term torture and inquisition. Revolution Court convicted him for being executed. He was in Evin prison for 9 years bearing the most brutal tortures. He had a stroke and once had a coma. Two times they took him for execution and one time he was having the hanging rope around his neck for 45 minutes. Questioners hurt his testicles with wire, broke his teeth, put his head in his stool, woke him up at nights and put salt on his scars and kept him in solitary confinement for 17 months to make him confess the shirt was painted with animals blood and no student were murdered during 9th July events!
His relatives were not safe of this harm. His wife was kidnapped. His sister Maria Batebi who is a Karate champion was faded forever from Iran's national sport team.
Last year Batebi could have some off days from jail for medical purpose and that gave a chance to make him scape from the country with UN help and now he is living in United states as a human right activist on Iran affairs.
10 years ago when Mohammad Khatami as the 1st reformist president of Islamic republic of Iran were having big support of people and newspapers were having almost a free atmosphere to criticize the foundations of revolution after years silent and acceptance, the judgment parliament with support of the supreme leader Ali Khamenei started to block the reformist papers and arrest an incredible deal of critics and journalists. On 8th July 1999 "Salam" newspaper was arrested and since the evening of the same day students of Tehran university went on a rally protesting the arrestment of the newspaper. Police tried to make them return and after a while students went back to the university and things seem to calm down.
At midnight police that according Iran's law has no right to enter educational centres with loads of armed militia attacked the dormitory and burnt the rooms and injured and killed and kidnapped many of the smartest youth of this country who study in Tehran university and this suppress continued the whole day on 9th July. Some students were thrown by militia from dormitory buildings and some were disappeared after that night. The top student of medical course lost his left eye and judgment department forgave all the militia and police commanders after a few ridiculous court sessions with Supreme leader Ali Khamenei support and the president Mohammad Khatani who were respectful for students and his reformist government could do nothing about that catastroph except being sorry.
Every government good or bad has one main duty. Supporting its nation with best it can.Iranian government divides people into two pieces. One piece that are not more than 5 or 6 millions are respectful Iranian citizens and the other piece with 65 million population are the agents of Americans and Brits. The others. The strangers. The 'dust' and 'dirt' (according Ahmadinejad).The ones who are not necessity all educated and rich and Tehrani residents of Iran.I believe Iranians are the settlers. There is a fundamental difference between Iranian diasporists and other ethnics who move to western countries. Iranians through old days were not basically immigrants. The revolution caused lot's of immigrations but still the diaspora of Iranians are not more than 1 million in the world. The majority of Iranian immigrants who are now living mainly in US, Germany,UK and Sweden had political reasons more than finding some foods or jobs or making bit more money. What's suffering is we were being treated like outsiders and strangers inside of Iran always .... loads of social discriminations and insults and being called zionist and spies of US and infidles and worthless and wherever we go outside of Iran we will stil be the stranger and 'the other' and one ridiculous name who laughs every Iranian , 'the extremist Muslim'. It's like feeling homesick for the motherland always and everywhere but hanging between loving or hating who you are. Sometimes I find some little precious things in life that in this situation can't last for a long time. It feels really strange to be an Iranian these days. Makes me wish it was all a nightmare and unreal.